Our name has changed, but our mission and location remains the same - we hope to be that good place in town you visit often.

Locally grown produce, Texas raised meats, and Wellness inspired artisan goods

A Wellness Inspired Market

Connecting you to the Source

The Good Place TX is a wellness-inspired shop focused  on local produce, eggs, dairy and pasture-raised meats.  Our shop is intentionally curated to connect consumers directly to quality producers of Texas. 

 We have membership options and weekly shares to provide savings, but also welcome non-members and visitors to shop and explore on your own. 

Our members support the
Farm to Family Movement

Voting with your dollar directly supports small scale producers and is the best way to secure your access to wholesome nutrient-dense foods.

Do you know where your food is coming from?

At the The Good Place TX, we have visited each Texas rancher and grower to ensure quality meat and produce are supplied to you. We vet every farmer, taste each wine, and ensure each piece of meat is of the highest quality.

By supporting our mission, you are

  • Secure your access to nutrient-dense foods + support local ranchers and growers

  • Exclusive discounts in the store, Tuesday’s 10% off all day

  • Gaining access to unique natural food and product offerings

    • 60% of our products are not available at grocery stores

  • Receiving resources and recipes to support your food-as-medicine journey

Annual Membership

Support our mission of helping Texas growers and ranchers thrive by joining our food-as-medicine community. Becoming a member aids in daily operational costs, employee pay, and consistent purchases from our producers. 

Founders can enjoy: exclusive discounts, discounted classes, first preference on limited available items and access to member’s only items! 

We believe food is medicine. We look forward to sharing with you our intentionally curated products, and nourishing dishes we’ve created. We hope to awaken your senses to help you discover how this lifestyle can help you thrive, and can be tasty and pleasure filled too.